Negli ultimi giorni il decreto anti-immigrazione di Trump ha fatto molto discutere ed ha scatenato movimenti di protesta sparsi in tutto il territorio americano. Tale decreto prevede che i residenti negli Stati Uniti provenienti da Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria e Yemen debbano tornare nel loro paese d’origine.
Tra le persone colpite, oltre ad atleti dell’NBA e campioni della scena eSports, ci sono anche molti dipendenti di grandi aziende come ad esempio la Blizzard, la quale si è già mossa per tutelare i diritti dei propri lavoratori e delle loro famiglie.
In una lettera al sito Polygon, Mike Morhaine (Presidente Blizzard) ha sottolineato come le azioni del neo presidente Trump siano in contrasto con i principi di accoglienza e rispetto per le diversità che sono alla base di Blizzard e dell’America stessa.
Di seguito la lettera completa:
“A number of you have reached out to me about the recent U.S. executive order banning refugees and barring citizens from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen from entering the United States for 90 days. I share the concerns that many of you, and many within our industry, have expressed.
The executive order issued on Friday directly affected a small number of our employees and their families, and supporting them is a priority for us. Our HR and Legal teams are in touch with those impacted and providing travel guidance as well as legal assistance and further counseling as needed. If you need to talk to anyone about the impact of the order, please reach out to your HR partner. We’ll monitor the situation, and others, for further developments so we can continue to provide resources and support.
The executive order strikes an incredibly sharp contrast with the values on which our company was founded. We are, and will always be, a company that strives for inclusion, embraces diversity, and treats one another with respect. This is the very foundation of what makes not just our company — but America — great, which is why I am so troubled by these actions.
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me directly.”
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