Light Flow, applicazione nota nel mondo Android, alcune ore fa ha rilasciato un aggiornamento corposo, che porta tantissime novità con sé.
Stiamo parlando della release 3.50 con interfaccia Material Design, con Floating Action Button, nuova drawer e tanti font animati. In più, l’applicazione supporta QKSMS, Snowball, Talon Plus e Pushbullet.
Ecco il changelog:
- Notification text can now show
- New words with friends support
- Support for new motorola email app
- Support for new Google Now reminders
- Ability to show LEDs when the Lollipop volume in “Priority mode”
- Removal of “L” notification warning
- Support for new Google messenger app
- Support for Inbox by Google
- Material design changes including new nav drawer, elevation and FAB button and status bar and fonts
- Fix for app not starting on new install
- Fix for Llama persistent notifications
- Fix for cisco jabber IM
- Fix for good for enterprise
- Blockdroid pro
- Talon plus
- hushed
- tictoc
- Deezer
- Asphalt 8: Airborne
- To Do Reminder
- Quiniela
- Omni Notes
- OneBusAway
- DB NavigatorZalo – Nhắn gửi yêu thương
- Hangouts Dialer
- Snowball
- JusWrite Stylus Task Organizer
- JusWrite – Note & Organize
- VVS Mobil
- Vodafone Message+ – SMS & Chat
- Focus GTD
- Changelog Droid
- Pushbullet
- Weather Timeline – Forecast
- Worms 3
- EyeEm
- Three InTouch
- Yata SMS
- New Relic Android app
- MyWind
L’applicazione è disponibile al download sul Play Store.
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